
What Percentage Of Men Like Fake Nails?


Hither is the 24/vii RT stream:


vi:40 PM EST

And equally predicted…

"Phenomenon recovery."

Retards sold, thinking "bad state of war mean bad price number on screen."

We're probably going to hit an ATH, totally split up from the stock market, for the first time. Maybe not. Could get to $20k. I'm non a financial advisor.

6:05 PM EST

Okay, I'm back.

Biden's speech was as feeble equally possible; no energy sanctions, no SWIFT ban, just more double sanctioning of the same banks.

Naught much happening really, just the march to Kiev. Some good videos I'll post later on. I'll probably make a new thread as we're entering "day ii."

This is funny:

Who is this $600 1000000 in weapons going to, when Russia volition be in total command of the state in a few hours?

Exercise they think there is going to be guerrilla warfare on the streets? What are they even talking about? The Israeli neo-Nazi leaders are all going to be targeted and assassinated. The thought of an Iraq style "random citizens fighting in the streets against the occupiers" is retarded.

Russia is going to stabilize the land, disband the government, prepare upwardly an acting, and then concur an actual free election where pro-Russian candidates are allowed to run, unlike the postal service-Maidan elections, where they were banned. No one is going to vote for these NATO shills later on they just got their country bombed to shit by pointlessly provoking Russia.

This might besides exist another $600 million to Israel, as it is merely going to become to Jewish groups that are all fleeing to Israel. There isn't going to be a terrorist insurgency, and even if there was, this isn't going to be Syria, and in that location will be no way to deliver weapons to them.

I don't even know what the hell these politicians are talking most.

Simply information technology's total bipartisan back up.

Zelensky is maxim he's going to keep fighting, and he'south distressing that NATO won't invade to prop upwardly his illegitimate and illegal occupation regime.

He's also challenge that he's notwithstanding in the Ukraine, without offer any evidence, and bizarrely challenge that the Russians are going to target his family. He might be reading articles about Justin Trudeau and confusing him with Putin.

The near interesting thing is going to be the Tucker Carlson show in a few hours. I don't know how he'southward going to be able to become on the air on a aqueduct that has been more pro-war than CNN. I've spent all mean solar day watching both, and Play tricks News is the one with people calling for war. They're talking about a NATO invasion to fight Russia. CNN is pushing for SWIFT ban and "$15 a gallon gasoline" sanctions, but Trick is proverb "Putin won't actually nuke united states of america let's merely invade the Ukraine."

Tucker has already laid the framework for:

1:10 PM EST

Okay, zippo is really happening, just the blitz, Ukrainians getting rekt, no Biden.

I'chiliad going to accept a residuum.

I will be back in the evening, and mayhap we'll hit upwardly that Elden Ring for an evening stream, or maybe something interesting volition have happened with the war.

1:04 PM EST

Elden Band isn't even out yet.

I'm thinking about taking a nap.

The path is pretty articulate at present – in 24 or and so hours, Russia will have Kiev.

Whether or not Russian federation volition be removed from the SWIFT system is upward in the air I guess, but information technology is pretty much confirmed that these lunatic free energy sanctions will be implemented.

12:57 PM EST

The latest from the war:

12:49 PM EST

No airports allowed.

Took nearly an hour.

Russia is winning the shit out of this war.

How is information technology possible that Joe Biden yet hasn't appeared? We're like, 16 hours in here.

12:38 PM EST

Look, the revolutionary Maidan government has banned political opposition.

Russia tin can take the country, and so hold a existent election, and a pro-Russian government will win, but similar pro-Russian governments won from the collapse of the USSR until the Maidan overthrew an elected government.

The current "democracy" government of the Ukraine is a Jewish occupation government enforced by Israeli-armed neo-Nazi gangs, political and media repression, and assassinations.

12:31 PM EST

Thanks for continuing to say that every 7 minutes, Jens.

12:09 PM EST

Okay, I'g back. I was reading during lunch and didn't really find anything very important, other than that Putin is offering terms of surrender, which seems to just be a troll.

Oh and Turkey sided with the West, totally.

China is the simply 1 not siding with the West.

Everyone is talking about sanctions, no ane is talking about an invasion.

Oh, and this:

Where is Joe?

10:06 AM EST

There was supposed to be a special Elden Band stream past Leo Fong this afternoon.

But he's at present maxim he's glued to the Television.

Nosotros'll have to see where that goes.

I'thou going to lunch, I haven't eaten anything but a juice since waking.

Right now, the bombing is mostly done and the march is on. Kharkiv will be taken rapidly, and I don't think it's going to take long to take Kiev.

It volition be over by Sunday, I'd reckon.

Only heard on Fox that Biden'south speech has been pushed back to 12:30, because he'southward involved in a lot of important meetings (I don't know how they say this stuff with a directly face).

Kinda sucks this is happening at the aforementioned time as AFPAC III. It's sort of hard to talk nearly annihilation else when the biggest war in Europe since WWII just started (yeah, this is bigger than Serbia).

ix:53 AM EST

Pull a fast one on News is incredible.

They are literally trying to out CNN CNN. They are doing nothing but challenge Joe Biden is too weak to destroy Russia.

They accept Karl Rove – Iraq War planner – on talking most how we need these big bad sanctions.

You have to pay $xc a gallon for gas so we tin can accept revenge on Putin for commonwealth.

Rove is saying the country is run by Jews then it tin can't be de-Nazified.

Biden actually should say "well, Jews are sending weapons to neo-Nazis."

Azov literally flies a swastika every bit they shoot their Tavors.

Also, Biden isn't even speaking for another 2 hours. And he'll be late, of class. It's virtually 10 AM and there is a massive war, and he doesn't fifty-fifty continue Goggle box.

nine:45 AM EST

Granny fetishist Macron gave a speech in front of a Ukrainian flag.

Everyone is saying they're going to do these sanctions.

Information technology's shocking that they can't seem to empathize that this is going to injure them more than Russia.

nine:35 AM EST

Airport officially captured.

Boots on the ground.


9:32 AM EST


"He'southward not de-Nazifying – the state is literally controlled completely by all Jews!"

9:29 AM EST

More fakery.

"Bombing random woman's house for no reason" is "gassing his own people" tier.

There is going to be a lot of this.

nine:26 AM EST


nine:12 AM EST

Get a load of this Ukrainian!

He should exist recruited for the gorilla warfare programme!

8:50 AM EST

Orange Human praises Putin for the invasion, lol.

If it wasn't for the vax matter, I could still have some respect for Trump.

viii:20 AM EST

Bears unite for freedom!

8:06 AM EST

That short haired bitch from the EU and that gay faggot from NATO only gave a speech about their deathly sanctions.

Putin has done everything he said he was going to do, exactly as he said he was going to do information technology, and he said he doesn't care well-nigh sanctions.

I'll say again: the sanctions are going to hurt the West worse than Russian federation, in existent terms. Russians are set up to deal with a flake of thrift. The West is non.

Furthermore – Russia is literally fighting an existential battle for its existence. The West is doing what? Why are they defending the Ukraine? It'south not "because democracy." And information technology certainly has nothing to exercise with Western interests.

They are proverb they're doing this finer for the purpose of charity.

So which is easier for a population to suffer for?

Defending its existence, or doing ostensible clemency for a nation they tin't detect on a map – and if they can find it on a map, know this is actually near empowering Jewish oligarch billionaires and attempting to overthrow the Russian government in club to build a New World Society global regime?

Putin can explain "nosotros have to suffer economically because they were going to put missiles in the Ukraine that could attain Moscow."

What is Biden going to say?

He already said it: "we have to suffer to defend our values globally."

When Joe Normie is pumping $15 a gallon gasoline, is he going to be thinking "this is the cost of Ukrainian democracy"?

Or is he going to be saying "yo bitch, this shit is whack"?

7:58 AM EST

I just turned on Pull a fast one on & Friends, which is the same thing as CNN at this point, and they literally have an Israeli Jew on named Shlomo talking nearly the horror, horror – the horror.

But even Shlomo admitted that Russia is only targeting the military machine. He says that Putin did everything he said he was going to do, exactly how he said he was going to practise it.

He's saying he'southward trying to get all of the Jews out of the land by working with the Israeli government.

Pull a fast one on is literally no unlike than CNN in their coverage of this.

I'm starting to wonder if Tucker Carlson is even going to exist allowed on this evening.

He has already said that the government of the Ukraine is a revolutionary regime established by a US State Department coup.

Fox merely brought upward the fact that Putin is trying to "de-Nazify" even though the country is run by Jews and filled with Jews.

It is confusing if y'all're not a Daily Stormer reader.

But it's not that confusing really.

Israel funds and arms neo-Nazis to kill Russians.

At present Shlomo is requesting donations to help the Jews.

They are as well talking about how Zelensky should flee.

As I've said, I'chiliad certain he already has.

These Jews human – they sure practice a lot of fleeing.

seven:52 AM EST

Speaking of false flags and crisis actors, Ukraine appears to be posting fake video of their armed services damaging Russian equipment.

I mean, I guess there are Americans and American equipment there.

Then information technology'southward possible they're doing something, I judge.

Simply all of these people are acting like the Ukraine has some take chances to fight back confronting this onslaught, and it's just goofy.

The U.s. isn't going to send troops. NATO isn't going to send troops.

The airports are already all gone, so it is merely a matter of rolling in.

All accurate reports say that huge numbers of Ukrainian military are taking Putin upwardly on his offering and going home.

The fictional country of Ukraine no longer exists.

7:45 AM EST

More footage of the Kiev (KEY-ev) airport getting REKT.

CNN continues to confirm that "THIS IS AN INVASION."

It's similar pointing at the sun and saying "THIS IS THE SUN."

This is definitely a full invasion.

They are trying to effigy out what Putin means when he says he's not going to occupy the state. Well, he'southward going to hold existent elections and let people to actually vote. And a pro-Russian candidate, who is not as incompetent as Yanokovic, is going to win.

7:40 AM EST

Now that Russian Jew bitch Yulia Ioffe is on CNN saying that in Russia y'all're not immune to take pictures as a tourist or they will abort you lot.

They're proverb they're staging imitation flags everywhere and not even trying to make them await real. I don't even know what that's a reference to.

7:36 AM EST

HR McMaster – erstwhile Trump official – is on CNN correct now and simply said "Putin grew up in a rat-infested apartment."

Did he also huff glue?

America is waking upwards and these people are going basics.

Putin should push button through and annex Moldova, then declare Serbia a part of Greater Russian federation. Serbs would be downward for that.

7:28 AM EST

Churchill ii says he's going to "hobble" the Russian economy.

This is a come at me bro situation.

Are Americans and Europeans actually prepared for gasoline to cost $10-xv a gallon?

I'one thousand non lying about this: I was talking to someone a few hours earlier the invasion started, after troops had moved into Donbass, and I said that the sanctions that the Due west has fatigued up are going to exist and then much more damaging to the Western economy than to the Russian economy, in terms of the larger scope of effects on the population, that it would actually exist strategic for Russian federation to make further incursions and try to force the Westward to do these sanctions.

No ane cares about the Ukraine.

It's not fifty-fifty a "republic" in the linguistic communication nosotros're supposed to believe that term means. They banned the Russian language non only in schools but literally in shops. They arrest opposition media and opposition politicians. They take really – almost certainly – had politicians and journalists assassinated.

Every bit I've explained, that actually is "democracy," merely it's not what people think it is.

What percent of Americans tin find Ukraine on a map? 4%? 5%?

This is worth sacrificing the entire Western economy?

7:15 AM EST

Recollect that "invasion map" the UK published?

It actually looks like it was mostly correct.

seven:01 AM EST

The whole population is fleeing the city.

I guess they're going to Poland?

If they're coming to America, we only desire the women under 25.

six:38 AM EST

This is the Kiev airport.


Not "Keev."

Russia completely controls the entire airspace of the Ukraine.

They can't even put a aeroplane in the air.

Human being, it feels good.

No more than republic for you, faggots.

5:55 AM EST

Greenberg's claims of winning are not being supported by any other report from anywhere.

This is indeed the cease of the US State Section's Ukrainian revolutionary project.

Information technology was a weird, wacky eight years.

Eight years of pride.

Now come to a pitiful finish.

This is the first of the anal colonies to fall.

1 might telephone call it a domino.

1 might even put on a song for the occasion.

Jesus is King.

5:52 AM EST

Ukraine just keeps posting this bullshit about how they're winning the war.

What is the purpose of this behavior?

5:49 AM EST

Greenberg says that he's winning the state of war.

Unlike the cellphone video he released, that just has a Ukrainian-seeming background (iconic woodwork), which is probably from a set up in Tel Aviv.

If I had to identify odds, I would say there is a 95% chance he is no longer in the country. It was obvious equally soon every bit this started that Russian federation was going to control the skies, and it would just make nix sense for him to not leave immediately.

I tin't be the only ane thinking this, and then if he was still in the country, he would be making a point to prove that.

five:35 AM EST




five:thirty AM EST

I wish in that location was a place I could bet Bitcoin on how long information technology will have for Kiev to fall and the government to surrender.

I would bet a whole lot of money that it will fall past Sun.

On CNN, the various experts are not doing the matter they did with Afghanistan where they claimed their boob government was and so well trained and and so filled with dear for feminism and anal rimjobs that they would fight for six months to agree Kabul.

The experts are challenge that it will turn into an Iraq type situation where the Ukrainians wage urban guerrilla warfare against the Russian occupiers.

That isn't going to happen either, but it is really funny they are not claiming that Kiev is going to be able to defend itself.

I dunno, maybe when Biden wakes upwardly he'll say they'll defend themselves for six months.

5:16 AM EST

Japan people no skilful. No practiced.

Dirty Nippon people tricky, dirty Japanese, no good. No adept.

Keep that sword sharp, faggot. Y'all're going to be called in to fight to protect Taiwan here pretty before long.

Gotta protect those anal parades and your sickening loli cartoons, which glorious China volition swiftly ban when they take back their territory.

Really bad decisions, Japan. No good. No adept.

5:01 AM EST

CNN literally has no idea what to say until the Biden Assistants wakes upwardly.

Some bowwow just said "Ukraine is calling this an deed of state of war."

What the bloody heck?

They are literally rolling in tanks and have finished bombing every airport in the country.

In that location is no room for interpretation hither: this is a war.

Arguably, it already was a war – started by the US and NATO.

But when you are rolling in tanks and doing bombings – it is definitely not an issue of debate.

4:50 AM EST

I withal had to fill the rest of the page, so I wrote several articles about different things related to this war. America even so isn't awake nonetheless, and then CNN is simply flailing around waiting on instructions.

Anyway, I should link related the articles hither:

  • Putin Talking About "De-Nazification" of the Ukraine Needs Context
  • Russia Should Sell Ukrainian Women to American Incels
  • Usa Country Department Reminds US Citizens It Will Not Assistance Them Evacuate
  • Ukrainian Jet Fighter Pilot Flees to Romania

The balance of the news volition probably be posted in this thread.

If I do more topical articles, I will link them in this thread.

Please share this thread with people.

This is a "tiny url" that links to this page:

3:54 AM EST



Ukrainian soldiers are abandoning their positions in the face of a Russian offensive, Moscow has asserted, while also claiming that its armed forces are not striking cities and pose "no threat" to civilians.

In a statement issued on Thursday morning, defense force officials said that "intelligence shows that units of the Ukrainian regular army and servicemen are leaving their posts en masse, laying down their weapons." No directly evidence has been presented to substantiate the statement.

According to the release, "Ukrainian War machine positions that take laid down their weapons are not being attacked. The Russian military machine are non striking Ukrainian cities. There is no threat to the civilian population." Moscow says a number of war machine targets, including airfields, defense installations and airplanes have been hit by "high-precision weapons" as part of a "special operation" ordered by President Vladimir Putin.

Notwithstanding, Alexey Reznikov, Ukraine's Minister of Defense, has called on his country's citizens telling them to have upwards arms in the face of the Russian offensive. "The enemy attacks, but our army is unbreakable," he wrote on Facebook. "Anyone who is prepare and able to hold weapons may now join the Territorial Defense Forces in your local region."

Ukrainians tin whine about how they're a state, but very few are going to be willing to die for Jewish oligarchs.

Putin does just what he says he'due south going to do, and there is nothing chance he is going to break his discussion and hunt down soldiers who give up.

As far as civilians picking up weapons – why on earth would they exercise that?

Please recall: Ukraine has style more than strict coronavirus measures than Russia. And then merely on a practical level, if you're a citizen, becoming a role of Russian federation is logical.

3:41 AM EST

I am so happy virtually this war.

I just can't even put it into words.

Putin is back, babe.

I never doubted you, My Arbiter.

This is going to be at least as big of a blow to the Empire as Afghanistan, probably bigger.

Putin told the Ukrainian military to lay downward their weapons and become home and they will non be punished.

I hate to even say it – but that's a whole helluva lot more than reasonable than Justin Trudeau!

Trudeau said "lay down your bouncy castles and and then we will seize your banking company account and hunt you down and prosecute y'all."

We are seeing the terminate of Empire.

Our people will exist costless.

God save Russia.

God save Europe.

God relieve America.

3:22 AM EST

That blackness bitch at the United nations is saying that at that place will be 5 1000000 refugees.

Only like when it was all men coming in from Africa and Primal Asia and it was all white women on the streets welcoming them, we need gangs of incels out on the street with signs saying "let the women in!"

"Ukrainian female person refugees WELCOME HERE! Our homes are open up to you!"

Right after that bitch said "five million refugees" they cutting to an advertizing for Viagra.


Things are all coming upward daisies, frens.

2:49 AM EST

But so you understand – the US and Europe are completely bitching out. The threats have pretty much stopped and at present they're but moralizing and begging Putin to plz cease plz.

The Cunt of Darkness is on Tv now, making no threats across "nosotros won't allow Putin to destroy European democracy, we will do a strong term."

In that location will be no United states of america or NATO entry. Those Israeli-backed neo-Nazis are not going to run an Iraqi or Taliban way resistance. Islamics believe in God, Jew-backed neo-Nazis aren't even existent neo-Nazis, they're actually Satanists. I'grand non going to go into that or find my old articles on it, merely yeah they're linked to Atomwaffen (which is why "neo-Nazis" are accepting total funding from State of israel, I judge – I don't have much respect for neo-Nazis of whatever stripe, just nearly of them probably wouldn't hold to be run past Israel).

Azov can't do shit because they don't believe in GOD.

I don't agree with Moslems obviously just you can't say they don't believe in GOD.

2:xxx AM EST

Some fat guy on CNN just admitted that the Ukrainian military will fall quickly and that they volition then claim they will switch to an Iraqi manner denizen insurgency.

They proceed challenge Zelensky is still in Kiev. I'd say at that place'south an lxxx% chance he already took a helicopter filled with cash to Tel Aviv.

Whereas Putin is giving live TV broadcasts, Zelensky is posting vertical cellphone videos on Instagram.

He does appear to exist in the Ukraine when that was filmed, but it could have been pre-filmed. Information technology'southward a one-minute video saying "nosotros're invaded so now I have martial police."

(Apparently engineering exists to merely fake that groundwork likewise.)

1:37 AM EST

Hither's the full dubbed version of Putin's spoken language from a couple of hours agone before the troops started rolling in and the airports are being bombed.

Apparently, every airdrome in the Ukraine is already leveled.

Godspeed, My Czar.

May the Archangel guide your sword.

1:21 AM EST

Wesley Clark of all people is on CNN saying that the Ukraine has a very powerful armed forces that volition resist the Russians.

One of the most brilliant military minds of our age, folks.

12:30 AM EST


Looks like it wasn't just about the Donbass!

Taking out the airports!

Tanks rolling in from Republic of belarus towards Kiev!


Turns out the Ukraine wasn't a country after all!

Now this is simply a matter of: does the puppet government of Kiev take more fight in them than the puppet government of Kabul???

If they do, I doubt it's more than 48 hours' worth!

More than to come!


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